Friday, April 30, 2010

First Birthday Party!

Madison attending her first birthday party! One of our neighbors turned 1!!! I think Madison was a little jealous all the kids were able to move around and she wasn't!
The birthday girl opening a present!

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Tummy Time

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

The 3 babies

Kristi and I tried to get a cute picture of the 3 babies. Did we really think we could get 2 6 month olds and a 4 month old to all look at the camera and smile at the same time? HA! It's still a cute picture though!! (and yes, the girls had to match)

Tuesday, April 20, 2010


Someone is really enjoying her rice. We're still working on being neat. I decided I'd let her hold the spoon just once to see what she'd do!! What a messy little girl!!

Daycare van

I had to get new tires today so Kristi picked Madison and I up while they were putting them on. It was so funny riding in the car with all the babies. It kind of felt like we were a daycare van!! :) The babies spent 3 hours playing together. Well, maybe more like starring at each other. Thanks so much for your help today Kristi!!Our PRECIOUS cargo!!

Madison hanging out in the very back!Cute babies!!

What's going on? Why does Chace get to play in the jumper and we have to sit in these chairs? "Got any gossip Peyton?"

Playing in the twins swing!

What a stud!

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Grilling out with the neighbors

Saturday evening we sat outside and grilled with the neighbors. It's always nice when it warms up so we can start hanging out weekly again.

The 3 girls born in 2009! 4 months (Dec) , 12 months (April) and 14 months (Feb)

Friday, April 16, 2010

First Rice Cereal Feeding

We tried rice cereal for the first time on Friday evening. Madison wasn't sure what to think. I think she wanted to like it, but the texture made her nervous and scared. Saturday's experience was much better. I bet in about a week she'll be eating an entire bowl.

Pre-rice pics

Not sure about this!?!

Mom, this is scaring me!

(as you can see I'm trying to make it fun!)

Okay, I'll try again!

Can't I just eat the spoon?

I did it!

I did it! I dropped Madison off at the gym daycare while I did an aerobics class. I had trouble sleeping last night because I couldn't decide if I was really going to do it! Turns out she slept the entire time. She didn't even know she was there. haha!

Here she is when I left her.

Here she is in the same spot when I picked her up!!!

Oh, I did get a really good workout in because I was expecting them to come get me out of class at any moment. I was working out extra hard because I wasn't sure how long I actually had.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

4 months!

Madison had her 4 month check-up and shots! Everything went well but the shots. I can't blame her for not liking those! She now weighs 13 lbs 11oz (50%) and is 25 inches long (75%). I was given the okay to start rice cereal and baby food when we're ready.


So I woke up this morning to find Madison had squeezed her way in between the 2 bumpers vertically. She so long that this didn't look comfy. I guess she would have woken if it really bothered her.

Monday, April 12, 2010


Yay! It's warming up and we can wear shorts, skirts and dresses! I love it!

Sunday, April 11, 2010


When you walk out of the room and come back to find this, you now know it's time to use the straps!!