Saturday, December 26, 2009

Madison's First Christmas!

Madison had so many Christmas outfits that we had to start wearing them the day she came home from the hospital. Here are pictures of her in all her precious outfits!
December 19th
December 20th
December 21st December 22nd
December 23rd

December 24th We had to double up on outfits for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day!! :) December 25th

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

First walk in the jogging stroller

I've been so excited about this jogging stroller ever since we got it. Since today was a little warmer, I decided we'd take a short walk for fresh air. Madison slept the entire time! It was nice to get out and move around! I know we will be using this stroller daily! :)

The twins came to visit!

Chace and Peyton came over last night to visit and bring us dinner!! It was sure yummy!! It's funny to think that January of this year we were in Colorado snow skiing and now in December we both have little ones!! I think the 4 of us ate our food in about 5 minutes. We now know there is no such thing as a calm leisurely dinner. You have to race to eat before a baby wakes!! :)
Here we are in January!
Of course, the new moms had to take pictures of the kids in matching outfits!! They're so cute!

Here we are in December!!

The babies are 9 weeks apart! Madison still likes the fetal position. :)

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Just hanging out

What a tough life!

So sweet

Does it get any sweeter than this?

First Bath

Let's just say we learned a lot from the first bath. It didn't go as we had planned. We had a COLD SCREAMING baby during the entire bath. It was hard to keep her warm when you can only give her a sponge bath at first. John and I have improved greatly the past 2 nights and she is much happier. We've modified bath time which is not near as painful.I had to quickly warp her up and warm her in the hallway because she was so cold and upset! :(

Madison Leigh Stirman has arrived!

Our sweet little girl arrived Tuesday, December 15, 2009 at 4:20pm. She weighed 7lbs 14 oz and was 21 inches long. Words can't describe how happy and in love John and I are with her. We both can just stare at her for hours. Below are some pictures taken at the hospital.
Before being induced
Kristi came up to the hospital at 9pm with the twins to wish me luck. What a great friend! She even came back the next day and hung around till Madison arrived.

Hooked up and ready to go

Everyone anxiously waiting to meet Madison

Daddy's little girl

Even the twins came to meet Madison! They waited ALL day at the hospital to see her!Papa Jerry with Madison Grandma with Madison So sweet! Leaving to go home!