Savannah Leigh Peterson arrived Thursday, June 14th at 5:20pm. Her mama was a champ and held off an extra week before inducing! She gave her 41 weeks to come on her own but she just didn't want to! Leah had a smooth delivery day and now has a beautiful healthy baby girl! Savannah weighed 7.12 pounds and was 20 1/4 inches long! I'm not going to lie, it made me want another all over again and Luke is only 4 months! :)
However, I do love having my sleep back!!

Madison and PJ playing on the IPAD waiting for Savannah to arrive.
Anxious to meet her girl!
Resting before she comes!
Hanging out till showtime! :)
PROUD daddy!
One happy MOM!
The new Peterson Family!
Look at those cute lips!
Leah's sisters and dad so excited to meet Savannah!
The Peterson's waiting to meet Savannah!
John and Luke so excited to see her!
What a perfect little girl!
4th grand baby for Gigi!
Can't believe how much bigger Luke looks next to Savannah!
Proud Aunt!
Here was Madison trying to look for Savannah!!! HAHA! Yes, this was during delivery! She was just so excited to have a NEW cousin name "Sabana" :)
Day 2!