Monday, November 29, 2010

So sweet!

I always tell John how Madison lights up when she hears his voice on the phone. Tonight I happened to have the camera out when he called. She loves to hear his voice on speaker phone!

That smile goes from ear to ear! She loves her daddy!

Destroying presents

It's not even December and she's already destroyed a bow! I guess that's what I get for putting gifts under the tree this early! Something tells me I'm going to be ready to put my tree away by Christmas this year. It's going to be a long month keeping her away from it!
Oh, this bow did provide 45 minutes of entertainment!! :)

Putting up the tree!

Here's a few pics of Madison and I putting up the Christmas tree.
(I waited till she went to bed to put the ornaments on !! )

Josh's suprise party!

Kristi through a surprise party for Josh's 30th birthday on Saturday. Once again, I didn't do well with getting many pictures. I tend to focus on the babies and none on the adults. Oops!
Eating all of dad's cake and ice cream!
Peyton and Madison swinging!

Let us out! We want to come to the party!!

Putting up the outside lights

Here are some pictures of Madison helping dad put up Christmas lights . She was actually more interested in eating all the rocks, grass and leaves off the ground! :)
Yes, that's grass and leaves hanging out of her mouth! YUM!
John was NOT happy about putting Christmas lights up. I think it's his least favorite thing to do! He must really love us!! :)
I spent a lot of time chasing her down the street too! :)

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Madison's 1st Thanksgiving

Well, I think Thanksgiving might be Madison's FAVORITE holiday. John and I definitely have an EATER on our hands! She LOVES to eat ANYTHING and EVERYTHING!! She was standing underneath our feet the entire time we were cooking screaming because she saw all the food and wanted some. When it was finally time to eat, she was in HEAVEN!! We have not found a single food that she doesn't like. I sure hope it stays this way. Between she and John I will have no trouble cooking for them! :)
I didn't do very well with taking many pictures but here are a few I did take.
Aunt Leah reading her a story!
Madison LOVES my parents dogs. Dog was actually her first word.
Anxiously walking around waiting to eat!

Shoveling it in her mouth!

Wearing her A&M bib for game day! WHOOP, we won!

Eating a little of everything!

Monday, November 15, 2010

11 months old

11 months already? That's crazy!

Sunday, November 14, 2010


Madison took her first steps at 10 months and has improved greatly in the last month. She is very eager to get from place to place by walking only. She's still wobbly but so cute to watch. She actually does better than this video but I caught her at the end of the day when she was tired.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Madison's 1st Halloween!!

Here's our little bumble bee! She wasn't to fond of the hat!