Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween!

Wow! This year was so much more fun than last. Madison really got the hang of trick or treating. She loved picking out the candy and putting them in her bag. Her favorite phrases tonight while walking between houses were "more candies" and "too scary!" It was really cool to hear her say thank you each time too!! Got to love when your kid has manners. Such a fun night to be a parent.
Mom, let's GO!
My sweet Minnie Mouse!
My girl!
Daddy dressed up too!
Trick or treat!

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

It's a.......

Yesterday at our ultrasound we told the technician we didn't want to know the sex of the baby just yet. We asked her to write it down in a note card after she saw what the gender was. When she got down to measure the legs, she had John and I look away. I can honestly say I had no idea when we left the appointment. I then drove the card to a local bakery and had them dye the cake according to boy or girl (blue/pink). I was actually proud of myself of how well I did holding onto this card for a day waiting to get the cake. I didn't peek at all and didn't even look at the outside of the cake when I picked it up. I was to afraid I'd be able to tell and wanted to be totally surprised with everyone else. Since John's birthday was Saturday and we were out of town it was sort of his birthday party/cake.
Madison had a blue bib and pink bib ready to eat the cake in!
Here I am at 20 weeks! HALFWAY there!

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

20 weeks = halfway point!

We had our 20 week anatomy scan this morning and everything looked great. If you've been pregnant before, you know what a relief this is to hear!! All the organs and limbs were measuring right on track!! YAY!!! Pictures and the gender will be posted tomorrow. John and I don't know yet. We're waiting to find out with my family tomorrow!! We turned away when the technician got down between the legs. Will the cake be blue or pink inside? We are happy and blessed either way!!!
Woohoo! Can't wait!

Monday, October 10, 2011

Twin's 2nd Birthday!

Can't believe the twins are turning 2!! The years have flown by. Here are some pictures from their birthday party on Saturday. Madison had a blast!

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Poultry Festival

We went to East Texas the past few days to attend the local Poultry Festival. It was a great few days full of lots of outdoor fun for Madison!
This girl loves her shades!
The merry-go-round was a hit! She rode it 4 times! They weren't short rides either.
We attempted a few updated family pics. It's REALLY hard with a 22 month old!