Sunday, January 15, 2012

It's a.......

Friday night Jason and Leah had a gender reveal party with both families. It was so much fun!! Everyone was to come dressed in pink or blue based off their guess. Jason & Leah knew ahead of time but still wore what they originally thought the baby would be.
Mom says boy and dad says girl!
Each niece and dog voted differently! :)
Madison just loved reaching in and eating the pink and blue Hershey kisses!
Those who guessed BOY!
Those who guessed GIRL!
To tell the families, they had a pinata filled with candy and either girl/boy items! SO CUTE!
Everyone ready to find out!
Their nephew was in charge of breaking the pinata!
IT'S A GIRL!!!!!!!!!!
YAY!! So happy for you Jason & Leah!! Can't wait to meet your little princess in June!

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