Monday, November 30, 2009

37 week update & pic

Yes, it's hard to believe that we are down to 3 weeks! Woohoo!!
It looks like I'm only 1cm dilated so far. Madison is really low and in the head down position still. My doctor did say that after feeling my stomach that she thinks she will be long! :) I'm so excited and can't wait to hold her!!! 21 days to go!

Monday, November 23, 2009

36 week update & pic

My doctor appointment went well this morning. Everything is still looking good. I've started dilating very little. I guess she's not in a hurry to come out! :) Here's a pic taken today!

Monday, November 16, 2009

35 week update

My appointment went well this morning. Madison's heart rate was 150bpm and I gained 2 more pounds!! My doctor checked me for any progress thus far and there was none! It's still early so I'm okay with that. I'm already anxious for next Monday to see if anything has changed.
I was a little sad to find out that I'm not able to fly or drive outside Houston anymore. My doctor said it's just too close and you never know what could happen. I had to cancel my flight for Tuesday night to New Orleans. I was scheduled to fly over and help John pack up because YES, he's FINALLY moving home Thursday night. It's still hard to believe. It looks like he will be home for the delivery! YAHOO!
I don't have a picture to post this week but will make sure to have one for next Monday! :) Trust me, I'm getting BIG!

Monday, November 9, 2009

Final peek!

I had the last peek of our little girl this morning. Well, maybe I should say BIG GIRL! Based off her measurements, they think Madison weighs about 5.6lbs right now!! They said everything looked great. Her heart rate was 149bpm and she is above average in all her measurements. They actually show me due on the 14th now. I guess we will just wait and see when she wants to come! I'm so excited and in love already!
Here's a few pics from this morning. They are kind of hard to see but I thought I'd still share. She was very active this morning and wouldn't stay in one position long enough to get a good pic.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Baby Shower

Saturday, 3 of my closest friends hosted an amazing baby shower for Madison and I. It was absolutely perfect and we had such a great time. They really went above and beyond! Thanks so much girls for all that you did to make it a special day!
The 3 hostesses!
This cute cake matched the invitations!
Kristi made this awesome diaper cake!

Lindsay's mom made this amazing wreath

Saturday, November 7, 2009


Madison has an adorable matching apron to wear with her grandma in Center! I'm glad she'll have someone else to learn cooking from rather than me! :) Her great grandmother made these precious aprons for the two of them!

Monday, November 2, 2009

33 week update & pic

It's November and arrival is getting closer!! I like to tease John and tell him each week what percentage complete I am. That's how they talk when it comes to the project he's working on in Louisiana. His job is 92% complete and I'm now 82.5% complete! HA! They better hurry or I'm going to pass them right up!!
My doctor visit this morning went well. My belly grew 2cm and her heart rate was 140bpm. I also found out that I will receive another ultrasound before delivery! YAHOO! I'm anxious to see Madison's growth.
As you can see, Madison is growing nicely! :)

Sunday, November 1, 2009

So precious!

Look how cute my niece looked last night! She made such a beautiful Dorthy!

Happy Halloween!

Last night, the neighbors put together a haunted house at the end of our street. I really think these grown men have more fun than the kids. I can't imagine how big this haunted house is going to get. Each year it gets bigger and more elaborate. I told John that it wasn't as funny when you think about it being your little girl that is scared to death. He made sure to tell me that the haunted house is for the older kids and not the little ones. Next year, Madison will not be going near it!
Getting ready for a fun night!

All the guys!