Wednesday, March 23, 2011

15 month check-up

We had Madison's 15 month check-up and shots this morning! Everything went great but the shots. No surprise there. She is currently weighing 22lbs.11oz (50%) and measuring 31inches (50-75%). My dad and I have measured her at home and think she is closer to 30. It's really hard to measure a moving baby. The doctor was VERY impressed with all her teeth. 12 teeth are considered the primary set and she already has them now. #'s 13, 14 and 15 are currently breaking the surface! YIKES! Looks like we only have 5 left after this. woohoo!! All this really means is I'm going to have to get good at brushing these teeth!! :) It's such a great feeling to get a good report at the doctor. He was pleased with everything....growth, weight, eating, sleeping and developmentally. I'm so blessed and grateful for a healthy baby! God is good!

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