Tuesday, May 25th was my second appointment! I must say it was nice to have John with me. As soon as we walked back to be seen, the nurse said that our doctor had to leave because someone was in labor!! My heart dropped! All I could think was that John had taken off work and I didn't want to reschedule!!! The nurse asked if we would mind seeing the other doctor in the office. Immediately, I said "NO!" I just wanted John to see Poppy and know everything was on track. It was so amazing to see how much Poppy had changed in 4 weeks! You could actually see eyes and limbs. Poppy did do a quick wave and I was able to see a hand with fingers! That was pretty cool. The doctor said everything looked great! Here are the 10 week pics!
You can really see the eyes and mouth in picture #2! It sort of looks like an alien!
Oh, I can't wait till Friday! I finally get to tell my parents! YAHOO!
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