Saturday was a big day for Madison. She had her 1st haircut and her 1st swim! Maybe that's why I'm typing this blog and she's working on her 13th hour of sleep. I wore her out!!
Her first swim was lots of fun. Like most things, Madison was a little tense at first. She takes a while to warm up to new things (people, food, toys and her surroundings). I guess I don't have to worry about her being a daredevil one day! HA! She spent most of her time starring at all the people and trying to figure out what was going on. She even decided to put her head face down in the water to see what would happen. I bet you can guess the outcome! NOT HAPPY! :) Eventually, she relaxed and let me put her on her back to float and drag her around by her arms. I really think like most things, she'll LOVE it after a few tries.
Sporting her new haircut at the pool! :)
These little girls were so sweet with Madison. They were trying so hard to be her friend.